Monday, July 21, 2014

Edifying Others Exposes the Real GANG-Terrorist Border Crisis

Most do not know the real significance of why the boarder is open. Hundreds of thousands of mind control slaves especially Norteño gang members (aka Nuestra Familia) and Sureño mind controlled slaves are the reason. Their criminal network is being brought in throughout the US by the illuminati since they control them. It is growing fast now that the border is wide open. Both Norteño gang members (aka Nuestra Familia) and Sureño work together even though publicly they have in the past killed each other. The reason why the New World Order has chosen Norteño's as their primary domestic terrorism stalking group and front for their crime, is that Norteño's are multicultural. That for the NWO is closest to the brotherhood of man Masonic agenda. They allow the three main racial groups of the United Sates, blacks, whites and hispanics in their gang. Most street gangs allow only their own race. Now that Obama came to power both Norteño gang members (Nuestra Familia) and Sureño now work more close together for the purpose of Aztlán reconquest of their own founding races.

Here is the big picture.

As we said Obama has facilitated the Norteño gang specifically. Since they allow blacks, whites and hispanics in their criminal gang. Norteño was started by the illegal migrant farm workers in Tracy California. Do not believe what wiki says about "being a member of Nuestra Familia itself does not signify association as a Norteño." That's a huge lie. They do not want their real network of mind control illegal slaves with potential for use to be completely revealed. The intelligence groups can whip them up in a frenzy at any moment for socialistic protest or other uses. The CIA specifically targets these kind of vulnerable people, with mental problems or low intelligence and education, and coaches them with pay offs to become their home grown network of terrorist gang stalkers and criminal fronts ready to be used.

The FBI does the same with Muslims as revealed here.;_ylt=AwrBEiR2RM1TSA8AQxrQtDMD

Obama sympathizes more with Norteño since they accept blacks and for the illegal immigrant field worker they go ballistically mad when made fun of their illegal status. This is the unifying trigger point that makes Obama very mad against for example tea party people. Since he is an "illegal" himself. This explains his solidarity in the video below where he says "Si se puede" in Spanish to these same people. Remember his election motto  is "Yes We Can." and that is why the border is illegally open.

Obama is bringing in more that sympathize with his plight, and building his and the illuminati's criminal network of mind control slaves. Everyone must learn their colors to identify them in their local street level. Norteño's wear red clothing and drive red cars and Sureño blue, but to hide themselves Nuestra Familia members will even swap their car colors to blue since they are pragmatic and poor. For the most part stay a good distance away from any red car driven by hispanics.

This is an example how these illegals terrorize. Viewer discretion is advised.

Notice how the white woman with the red blouse who is also Norteño walking her bicycle at the end of the video steps up slowly to the crime scene. She shows up and begins taking mental notes. She was being watched by the red with blue stripes Norteño gang member getting the "street justice" after he's arrested to make sure she comes through as the spy witnessing the event for the gang gnostic hierarchy. They always work in packs of multiple gang members in any one event. That is what people need to know in case they are targeted by them in the future. The Nuestra Familia part of the Norteños can be any age. From young to old, black, white or hispanics. The number 4 on the back of his shirt is short for 14, and represents the letter 'N' the fourteenth letter of the alphabet. That along with the fact that he's carjacking/kidnapping a red car makes him Norteño. Most gangs implement spying for their street control network and report this data back to their leaders. This is certainly the case with the Norteño gnostic hierarchy.

Whenever you see a news video clip or as the photo show above of an illegal crossing the border illegally wearing some kind of red or blue shirt, jacket or other clothing. That’s their network of criminal agents infiltrating and being sent to all parts of America. Though their agents do not all necessarily wear red. Since they are unified ultimately through race idolatry. The Norteño Nuestra Familia gang especially uses very young children to do their criminal activity. From childhood they make them neighborhood spy's as they play, drug runners and whatever other unethical criminal activity they need to get done. It is hard to imagine that these thing happen, but the fact that many unaccompanied children have traveled dangerously long distances from Central America without their parents (as the photo above reveals), shows that these gang affiliated illegals will do the aforementioned criminal activity. The photo shows these illegal mothers dressing their babies in red as proof of their willingness to enslave their children to the gang culture. That is the proof.    

Most think that when Obama placed red lights on the white house he was telegraphing his Communist color alone. The truth is, many of the Norteño illegals are Communist/Socialists and that is specifically who he was telegraphing too. We think Obama is a Norteño himself and that is not a far fetched thought considering his "Yes We Can" mantra motto and the Gnostic ideological plank of the Norteños.

The motto "Yes We Can" Obama used to get elected ("Si se puede" in Spanish) came specifically from these Norteño illegal migrant farm workers in California. That is a fact.

Watch this video below where Obama at the beginning tells these same Norteño gang members (aka Nuestra Familia) illegals ”Si se puede.” You will see them rally for their illegal president in the following video.

See all his red coats below. This is there underground network of spies and illuminati undetectable to themselves mind controlled agent slaves waving their Norteño United Farm Workers flag.

The video below is in Spanish but all you need to know is the video says Obama supports them and their color agenda which is the Norteño useful for the illuminati slaves...

This is the reason the "illegal" president is allowing the illegals in.

Please take note: As a result of exposing this information. If Edifying Others disappears from posting blogs or videos for longer then 2 months without communicating to everyone. Then we have been kidnapped, arrested on trumped up charges or even murdered for releasing this specific information. We have been specifically targeted by Norteño mind controlled slaves and have received many threats. They have tried to extort us, harass us and we have refused time and time again. Even to the point of sharing the Gospel with them under death threats and telling them they are under mind control. Since they are initiated into the gang hierarchy, they must do what their military gang structure tells them to do. The head leader of the Norteño gang is a Gnostic cult being forcefully indoctrinated by the Mystery Religion intelligence cults. In order to become the prison head of the gang, they must fully be brainwashed in eastern religions and Greek philosophy education along with a number of other Gnostic doctrines. That is why they are targeting Edifying Others. They know we are one of the few people that refute all their gnostic connections.

You have been made aware of what is going on. This threat to our American way of life will continue throughout the United States if not dealt with. Everyone will be targeted by these groups at some time in the future, and it is most important to be aware of this information. Since they also have their network of spies and agents in most local and government agencies. From local sheriffs and police to Obama at the top.

Final thoughts. These illegals need to stay in their countries and learn the Gospel wisdom there. That’s how they will change their poor situation. Yet they refuse to heed the dangers of gang life in America. Since some have made it here already our hope is that for Gang members here they learn there is no freedom enslaved to a gang hierarchy that is only being used as pawns. In the game of chess, pawns are expendable. Nevertheless to unshackle their chains to sin they must begin believing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and not for the most part their Catholic traditions.

See the video below of former Norteño and Sureño mind controlled slaves testimony.

The documentary below explains more about these violent domestic terrorists. Don't be deceived that the documentary shows police and prison officials as fighting against this criminal gang. Deals are made in the office of the head prison official to give the gang members an option to be used as a government globalist agent. To facilitate the control of the criminal gang on the street. That's how the illuminati hierarchy has come to control these gangs and now uses them as mind control slaves for their own criminal activities. At minute 24:18 you will hear the Gnostic indoctrination of the Norteño cult that is a must if any one gang member wants go to the top and run the Norteño gang from prison. This top Norteño gnostic leader of the gang is controlled by the illuminati hierarchy from prison, and this is where the orders are sent out to the street level for gang Hegelian dialectic bribing, extortion and stalking terror control of the American public. 

Through this controlled system of gangs the intelligence groups that traffic drugs (like the CIA) fund their black ops programs for the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite Masonic Luciferian lodge criminal activity.

This is the main Masonic Lodge 13 blocks from the White House in Washington DC and is what the historic big oil interests and subsequent 1913 Federal Reserve banking cabal have allied themselves secretly under. The borders are wide open and the illegal black President Obama is being used by this white Masonic cabal for the gnostic agenda of global white European Jewish Masonic control of all races. By encouraging and facilitating these mind control slaves to enter the USA. To be used for the races controlled agenda of the Masonic World Order.

If you watch the video below, viewer discretion is advised.

Masonic Russia Ukrainian Ties To Global Masonic Agenda

Before anyone can begin to understand what happened with Malaysia flight MH14 and the Ukrainian war. First we need to understand that Putin is part of global Masonry. This event is and was all an attempt to brainwash the public. Hoping the mind controlled television slave public, that have given themselves over to the mass programming television news Masonic history, would bite another false flag dialectical Masonic controlled war. This for global Masonry would establish the next world Masonic banking authority that will steal all assets in the chaos collapse and world war scenario.

Secondly we must realize the world is divided into two groups in order to understand how they see it. Those who are pro-homosexual and those who are anti-homosexual. 

This global Masonic homosexual perverted cult is trying to manipulate the world into it's Baphomet hermaphrodite Masonic lodge doctrine by dialoguing the trauma of the crisis. That begins by dialoguing which side is at fault, and never getting a concrete answer. That is the point of the "chaos" of the controlled fraud event. Just dialogue and mourn through the news the AIDS researchers tragic death on MH17.

The Public Political Masonic Global Fronts

The infighting between the two Hegelian dialectical sides of Masonry illuminati homosexual baphomet west vs. the controlled (Putin's a counterfeit Christian) old KGB 
Masonic east. Will only cause deceived mind control programmed slaves to go kill themselves for Global Masonry and it's perverted doctrines. The next Masonic war for global central bankers is the secondary beneficiary outcome of what they want other to go kill themselves over by this controlled event. That is why the media attempted to reel in everyone to pick a side, and those who facilitate this fraud dialectical choice, do not have the sobriety or the wisdom to advise any better. Not knowing what is good in realizing the mass death outcome of what this Masonic cult that hijacked the world does.

Realizing that Putin is controlled opposition from the ancestry of the Great Peoples of Russia Masonic Lodge. The history of Masonry in Russia nevertheless goes back to the 1700's. Quoting from Wikipedia.

Freemasonry was brought to Russia by foreign officers in the Russian service. Russian Freemasonry dates its foundation to the activities of Franz LefortJacob Bruce and Patrick Gordon in the German Quarter of Moscow.[1] James Keith is recorded as being master of a lodge in Saint Petersburg in 1732-34.[2]

at St. Martin's Hall Meeting, London, 1864
In this photo Karl Marx does the "Sign of the Master
of the Second Veil" hidden Masonic hand sign 
Understanding closely how how the Communist party of Russia was started by Masons in England, will help us see how Putin is again an old KGB Communist Mason disguised as a Capitalist/Socialist. Just like Obama can act the Masonic mind controlled western Commie for global Masonry. In this global false flag event Putin plays his part of pretending to be a humble Christian man and deceives many mind controlled evangelical 501c3 programmed slaves, and the rest of the world population that are deceived, into cheering for a side.

The reason the Russians have not, and will not reveal publicly their satellite imagery/video of the whole event as it happened. Having that technology is that. Global Masonry in truth is a homosexual world cult of child pedophiles and pervert doctrines. Global Masonry would never admit that secret publicly, because to do so would destroy their Hegelian Dialectic control opposition mechanism. Yet Russia has known about the Crimea Ukraine "crisis" since 2008 but Putin must play the controlled antithesis against the homosexual illuminati western cult. That's the Masonic Lodge monism doctrine, and that is the point that this is all about. The BBC's shock reported that up to 100 AIDS researchers were supposedly on that plane; (now we know that it looks like flight 370 might have been trashed with rigor mortis dead bodies, and a pile of passports ready to show everyone). If it's not the same plane as flight 370. It is the same outcome, of the lie to get programmed mind controlled slaves in America, (everyone from Christians to homosexuals and their sympathizers). W
illing to give themselves over to the next Masonic World War depopulation plan. 

You can expect more global Masonic false flags east vs west controlled events like this in the future...  But for now never forget Global Masonry wants to take you to war and manipulate you for their own selfish covetous and idolatrous gain.

That's the reason for the event and all Masonic false flag events in a nutshell.

Explaining some of the reports and putting the pieces together.

The discernible falling chaff in the video was there because Putin had intel through his global Masonic bros that the west illuminati would try to damage his public BRICS credibility etc, and Christian front by blaming him for the attack. Putin sent his air force to escort the remote controlled plane that headed off course in an attempt to block the missiles of the west with chaff. Now that he is trying to cover up for his foreknowledge by destroying two Ukrainian jet's to prevent anyone to know the truth and shift his part of the blame. This implicates him as part of the plot even more if you understand global Masonry's world leaders. Remember Putin had intel about 911 but did absolutely NOTHING to prevent it, or even warn America publicly knowing these thing were coming. Putin also knew about this event, and even with Russia Today News in America failed to SCREAM to the American public about these events.
How the MH17 came down is not the point. But who's facilitating these false flags to manipulate the world into depopulation.

For those who doubt Masonry is in Russia today. See these links below.
Website translated to English
Here is their Facebook.

This article can also be seen on BIN.